Danny Amor's Online Library
Danny Amor's Online Library - Volume 1.iso
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n-1-3-900.12 Summary of Standards Actions
by Bob Braden <braden@isi.edu> for the IAB
As those of you who are members of ISOC know, we have started
publishing in each ISOC Newsletter a summary of Internet standards
actions. Below is the summary which Joyce Reynolds and I have just
prepared for the next newsletter. It incorporates and summarizes the
actions which are reported directly to this list as they occur, and
presented monthly in the Internet Monthly Report.
If you have comments or suggestions on how we could improve the
presentation of this information, please send them directly to me.
Internet Architecture Board - Internet Engineering Task Force
Recent Standards Development Actions
The following table summarizes all standards actions taken between
September 1, 1991 and July 31, 1992, which resulted in entry into
or advance within the standards track. These actions were recommended
by the IESG and adopted by the IAB, in accordance with the
procedures defined in RFC 1310.
Note: a few of the dates shown here differ from the dates shown in the
previous ISOC Newsletter. The dates shown here, which reflect the RFC
publication dates, will determine the minimum times-in-grade.
| |Proposed| Draft |Internet| | |
| Description |Standard|Standard|Standard| RFC | RFC Title |
|STD 34: RIP -- | Dec 88 | Apr 90 | Jul 92 | 1058 |Routing Information|
| Routing | | | | |Protocol |
| Information | | | | | |
| Protocol | | | | | |
|STD 33: TFTP -- | Dec 88 | Oct 89 | Jul 92 | 1350 |The TFTP Protocol |
| Trivial File | | | | |(Revision 2) |
| Transfer | | | | |(STD 33) |
| Protocol | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
|BGP - Border | Jun 90 | Oct 91 | | 1257 |A Border Gateway |
|Gateway Protocol| | | | |Protocol (BGP-3) |
| | | | |==========================|
| | | | | 1268 |Application of the |
| | | | | |Border Gateway |
| | | | | |Protocol in the |
| | | | | |Internet |
|IP over SMDS | Feb 91 | Mar 92 | | 1209 |Transmission of IP |
| | | | | |Datagrams over the |
| | | | | |SMDS Service |
| | | | | | |
|ICMP Router | Sep 91 | | | 1256 |ICMP Discovery |
|Discovery | | | | |Messages |
| | | | | | |
|BGP MIB | Oct 91 | | | 1269 |Definitions of |
| | | | | |Managed Objects for|
| | | | | |the Border Gateway |
| | | | | |Protocol (Vers. 3) |
|DoD IPSO: US | Nov 91 | | | 1108 |US Department of |
|Department of | | | | |Defense Security |
|Defense IP | | | | |Options for the |
|Security Option | | | | |Internet Protocol |
|Remote Monitor | Nov 91 | | | 1271 |Remote Network |
|MIB | | | | |Monitoring Manage- |
| | | | | |ment Information |
| | | | | |Base |
|X.500 Schema | Nov 91 | | | 1274 |The COSINE and |
| | | | | |Internet X.500 |
| | | | | |Schema |
|X.500 Replica- | Nov 91 | | | 1276 |Replication and |
|tion and Distri-| | | | |Distributed Opera- |
|buted Operations| | | | |tions Extensions |
|Extension | | | | |to Provide an |
| | | | | |Internet Directory |
| | | | | |Using X.500 |
|IP Addresses in | Nov 91 | | | 1277 |Encoding Network |
|NSAP's | | | | |Addresses to |
| | | | | |Support Operation |
| | | | | |over non-OSI Layers|
|Ethernet MIB | Nov 91 | | | 1284 |Definitions of |
| | | | | |Managed Objects for|
| | | | | |the Ethernet-like |
| | | | | |Interface Types |
|DECNET Phase IV | Dec 91 | | | 1289 |DECnet Phase IV MIB|
|MIB | | | | |Extensions |
|Bridge MIB | Dec 91 | | | 1286 |Definitions of |
| | | | | |Managed Objects for|
| | | | | |Bridges |
|IP over Frame | Jan 92 | | | 1294 |Multiprotocol |
|Relay | | | | |Interconect over |
| | | | | |Frame Relay |
|FDDI MIB | Jan 92 | | | 1285 |FDDI Management |
| | | | | |Information Base |
|IARP - Inverse | Jan 92 | | | |Inverse Address |
|Address Resolu- | | | | |Resolution Protocol|
|tion Protocol | | | | | |
|NTP-3 - Network | Mar 92 | | | 1305 |Network Time Proto-|
|Time Protocol | | | | |col (Version 3) |
|Version 3 | | | | |Specification, |
| | | | | |Implementation, and |
| | | | | |Analysis |
|NetFAX - A File | Apr 92 | | | 1314 |A File Format for |
|Format for the | | | | |the Exchange of |
|Exchange of | | | | |Images in the |
|Images | | | | |Internet |
|Frame Relay MIB | Apr 92 | | | 1315 |Management Informa-|
| | | | | |tion Base for Frame|
| | | | | |Relay DTEs |
|Character | Apr 92 | | | 1316 |Definitions of |
|Stream Device | | | | |Managed Objects for|
|MIB | | | | |Character Stream |
| | | | | |Devices |
|RS-232 MIB | Apr 92 | | | 1317 |Definitions of |
| | | | | |Managed Objects for|
| | | | | |RS-232-like |
| | | | | |Hardware Devices |
|Parallel | Apr 92 | | | 1318 |Definitions of |
|Printer MIB | | | | |Managed Objects for|
| | | | | |Parallel-Printer- |
| | | | | |like Hardware |
| | | | | |Devices |
|TCP Extensions | May 92 | | | 1323 |TCP Extensions for |
|for High | | | | |High Performance |
|Performance | | | | | |
|Mapping between | May 92 | | | 1327 |Mapping between |
|X.400(1988)/ISO | | | | |X.400(1988)/ISO |
|10021 and | | | | |10021 and RFC 922 |
|RFC-822 | | | | | |
|Downgrading | May 92 | | | 1328 |X.400 1988 to 1984 |
|X.400(1988) to | | | | |downgrading |
|X.400(1984) | | | | | |
|PPP -- Point-to-| May 92 | | | 1331 |The Point-to-Point |
|Point Protocol | | | | |Protocol (PPP) for |
|(new version) | | | | |the Transmission of|
| | | | | |Multi-protocol |
| | | | | |Datagrams over |
| | | | | |Point-to-Point |
| | | | | |Links |
|IPCP -- PPP IP | May 92 | | | 1332 |The PPP Internet |
|Control Protocol| | | | |Protocol Control |
| | | | | |Protocol (IPCP) |
|PPP Link Quality| May 92 | | | 1333 |PPP Link Quality |
|Monitoring | | | | |Monitoring |
|MIME -- Multi- | Jun 92 | | | 1341 |MIME (Multipurpose |
|purpose Mail | | | | |Internet Mail |
|Extensions | | | | |Extensions): |
| | | | | |Mechanisms for |
| | | | | |Specifying and |
| | | | | |Describing the |
| | | | | |Format of Internet |
| | | | | |Message Bodies |
| | | | |==========================|
| | | | | 1342 |Representation of |
| | | | | |Non-ASCII Text in |
| | | | | |Internet Message |
| | | | | |Headers |
|TOS IP -- IP | Jul 92 | | | 1349 |Type of Service in |
|Type of Service | | | | |the Internet Proto-|
| | | | | |col Suite |
|SNMP Administra-| Jul 92 | | | 1351 |SNMP Administrative|
|tive Model | | | | |Model |
|SNMP Security | Jul 92 | | | 1352 |SNMP Security |
|Protocols | | | | |Protocols |
|SNMP Security | Jul 92 | | | 1353 |Definitions of |
|MIB | | | | |Managed Objects for|
| | | | | |Administration of |
| | | | | |of SNMP Parties |
|IP Forwarding | Jul 92 | | | 1354 |IP Forwarding Table|
|Table MIB | | | | |MIB |
|Multiprotocol | Jul 92 | | | 1356 |Multiprotocol |
|Interconnect | | | | |Interconnect |
|on X.25 and ISDN| | | | |on X.25 and ISDN |
|in the Packet | | | | |in the Packet Mode |
|Mode | | | | | |
The following table summarizes all standards actions taken between
September 1, 1991 and July 31, 1992, which resulted in removing
specifications from the standards track. These actions were
recommended by the IESG and adopted by the IAB, in accordance with the
procedures defined in RFC 1310.
Some of these were obsoleted by later versions (as noted). The rest
were the result of rationalizing the situation from before the
institution of the formal procedures specified in RFC 1310.
| Description | Previous |Informational|Historic| RFC | RFC Title |
| | Status | | | | |
|MIB-I -- | Internet | | Mar 92 | 1156 |Management |
|Management | Standard | |Obs. by | |Information |
|Information | Apr 90 | | STD 17,| |Base for |
|Base | | |RFC 1213| |Network |
| | | | | |Management of|
| | | | | |TCP/IP-based |
| | | | | |internets |
|Mapping | Proposed | | May 92 | 987 |Mapping |
|between X.400| Standard | |Obs. by | |between X.400|
|and RFC-822 | Dec 88 | |RFC 1327| |and RFC-822 |
| | | | |====================|
| | | | | 1026 |Addendum to |
| | | | | |RFC-987 |
|PEM -- | Draft | | May 92 | 1113 |Privacy |
|Privacy- | Standard | | | |Enhancement |
|Enhanced | Aug 89 | | | |for Internet |
|Mail | | | | |Electronic |
| | | | | |Mail: Part I-|
| | | | | |- Message |
| | | | | |Encipherment |
| | | | | |and Authenti-|
| | | | | |cation Pro- |
| | | | | |cedures |
| | | | |====================|
| | | | | 1114 |Privacy |
| | | | | |Enhancement |
| | | | | |for Internet |
| | | | | |Electronic |
| | | | | |Mail: Part II|
| | | | | |-- Certifi- |
| | | | | |cate-Based |
| | | | | |Key Manage- |
| | | | | |ment |
| | | | |====================|
| | | | | 1115 |Privacy |
| | | | | |Enhancement |
| | | | | |for Internet |
| | | | | |Electronic |
| | | | | |Mail: Part |
| | | | | |III -- |
| | | | | |Algorithms, |
| | | | | |Modes, and |
| | | | | |Identifiers |
|PPP-INIT -- | Proposed | | May 92 | 1172 |The Point-to-|
|PPP Initial | Standard | |Obs. by | |Point (PPP) |
|Configuration| Jun 90 | |RFC 1331| |Initial |
|Options | | | | |Configuration|
| | | | | |Option |
|SUPDUP | Proposed | | Jun 92 | 734 |SUPDUP |
| | Standard | | | |Protocol |
| | Dec 88 | | | | |
|SFTP -- | Proposed | | Jun 92 | 913 |Simple File |
|Simple File | Standard | | | |Transfer |
|Transfer | Dec 88 | | | |Protocol |
|Protocol | | | | | |
|Hostname | Proposed | | Jun 92 | 953 |Hostname |
|Server | Standard | | | |Server |
| | Dec 88 | | | | |
|NFILE | Proposed | | Jun 92 | 1037 |NFILE - a |
| | Standard | | | |File Access |
| | Dec 88 | | | |Protocol |
|PCMAIL | Proposed | Jun 92 | | 1056 |PCMAIL - A |
| | Standard | | | |Distributed |
| | Dec 88 | | | |Mail System |
| | | | | |for Personal |
| | | | | |Computers |